Hiring apprentices offers numerous advantages for employers. When you hire an apprentice, you're addressing the demand for fresh talent and skills. Apprenticeships serve as a valuable pathway into the workforce, equipping your employees with invaluable skills that can contribute to your business's success over time. Choosing to hire apprentice program participants helps nurture the next generation of the workforce, providing them with crucial experience and training
Apprentices acquire job-specific skills while combining practical work with study. When you bring an apprentice on board, they collaborate with experienced professionals to acquire knowledge and practical expertise, all while earning a wage. By hiring an apprentice, you're adding a productive team member to your workforce, without incurring recruitment or training expenses.
Employers participating in apprenticeships are required to pay apprentices at least the National Minimum Wage for apprentices. In England, government funding is available to offset a portion of the training and assessment expenses.

Get funding for your apprenticeship training
The levy funds of your organization can serve as a powerful driver for transformation.
Levy Paying Organisations
You’ll get funds to spend on training and assessing your apprentices. The government will add 10%.
Funds automatically expire after 2 years on a use it or lose it basis.
You use your apprenticeships service account to manage funding and all the payments to Keibra.
You can transfer levy funding from your pot to another employer or receive up to 25% of another company's funds.
Small & Medium-sized Enterprises
You need to have an active PAYE scheme and an apprenticeships service account.
You'll use your apprenticeships service account to reserve funds of up to 95% of the cost of an apprenticeship programme.
You'll set up a direct debit to Keibra to cover the additional 5%.
You use your apprenticeships service account to manage funding and all the payments to Keibra.
Get funding for your apprenticeship training
Levy Paying Organisations
You’ll get funds to spend on training and assessing your apprentices.
Funds automatically expire after 2 years on a use it or lose it basis.
You use your apprenticeships service account to manage funding and all the payments to Keibra.
You can transfer levy funding from your pot to another employer.
Small & Medium-sized Enterprises
You need to have an active PAYE scheme and an apprenticeships service account.
You'll use your apprenticeships service account to reserve funds of up to 95% of the cost of an apprenticeship programme.
You'll set up a direct debit to Keibra to cover the additional 5%.
You use your apprenticeships service account to manage funding and all the payments to Keibra.